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Monday 18 June 2012

Day 11: Cosmos European Masterpiece: Roma!

Today started with our sightseeing around Rome with our local guide, Flavia.  First stop for the day was the Vatican.  First up we stopped on a big terrace where we had a fabulous photo op to snap a photo of the dome on St Peter’s Basilica.  Back inside we walked through the Museums looking at all the amazing art pieces (and being reminded why I stopped putting money in the collection plate) before heading into the Sistine Chapel.  This is the first time I have seen it since the ceiling was restored.  Wow!  The colours are so much more vibrant since all the grime has been cleared from the ceiling!  Before we entered the Sistine Chapel Flavia explained a few of the masterpieces to us including The Last Judgement.  Apparently the image of St Bartholomew holding his skin (he was skinned alive) is a self portrait of Michelangelo himself and apparently at the time there was a Cardinal who was none too impressed with Michelangelo’s work.  So Michelangelo put him done the bottom right of the painting with a serpent wrapped around him piercing his nuts.  Nice work there Michelangelo!

After leaving the Sistine Chapel we headed for St Peter’s.  We walked past the Holy Door that is only opened every 25 years for the Jubilee and anyone who passes through it is granted a Plenary Indulgence for their sins.  So….. when is it going to be opened again?????

Inside the Basilica I finally got to see the Pieta close up and also saw the tomb for Pope John Paul II.  Since he was beatified his body was removed from the crypt and placed up in a tomb in one of the side chapels.  If we had some free time in the Cathedral I would have gone and said a prayer in this chapel.  We also saw the body of Pope John XXVIII (the Pope responsible for the Second Vatican Council – for the non-Catholics…one of the results of this Council was Mass could now be said in the vernacular rather than being said in Latin).  We also saw amazing mosaics made from coloured marble.  They actually looked like paintings the tiles were that tiny.

We were led outside the Basilica to see St Peter’s Square which was being set up for an audience with the Pope (where was my invite?) before being able to photograph the Swiss Guards.  I spotted the 5th Station of the Cross outside in the Square.  I have always wondered where the Stations of the Cross where located at St Peter’s.  Now I know!  We were also shown the balcony where the Pope appears from to address the crowd in St Peter’s.  Flavia was describing more but I received a phone call from my school friend Juliet who now lives in Rome to tee up where we were going to meet up.

After St Peter’s Square we had some free time to have some lunch before heading off on the next sightseeing excursion.  I managed to find a cheap little place selling some lovely Panini before making my way back to the agreed meeting spot for the tour.

Back on the bus we headed to the Colosseum.  Before entering the Colosseum we had our Troup Group photo taken in front of Constantine’s Arch.  Flavia then took us into the Colosseum explaining everything to us before letting us loose for a few minutes to take some photos.  Some people decided to go up to the next level.  Good job I didn’t attempt the stairs as people from our group said they were a death trap waiting to happen…. Marble and each step sloped down so there wasn’t much grip.  I would have had a “colosseum incident” for sure if I even attempted it!

Leaving the Colosseum the next stop was to be The Forum.  I had been there before (and loved it) but it was hot, and my feet were tired so not knowing what Juliet had in store for this afternoon I decided to leave the sightseeing there and went and found a shady spot near the Arch which was to be our meeting spot.

Juliet found me no problem.  Apparently despite not seeing one another since high school (ok I’ll admit that was 26 years ago), neither of us have changed a bit.  We caught a bus up near Juliet’s work where we had lunch before Juliet had to “make an appearance” at work for a couple of hours.  I entertained myself by walking around the block, sitting at another café for a while having a cappuccino before heading back to where I had to meet Juliet at her car.  Luckily (for my hips) there was a gelati bar nearby so I had a chocolate gelati while I killed some more time.

After Juliet finished work we headed out to Rome’s Zoo to pick up her son who was on holiday camp at the zoo.  Juliet and I caught up on all the gossip and Juliet pointed out some other sites while we also discussed the current economic climate in Italy.  We made it to the zoo in time and I even managed to spot some elephants!

Unfortunately we both didn’t really know when we were going to be able to catch up so it worked out best that Juliet dropped me back off at my hotel on her way to taking her son to an appointment back near the Colosseum.  All the same it was fabulous to catch up with her and we have made a pact not to make it 26 years before we see each other again!

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